Pike County Unleashed

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For the second time in three weeks, Pike County authorities are diligently searching for firearms that have been hidden in the local Pike County community after a series of alleged gun crimes involving adults and juveniles. The Pike County Prosecutor’s office in conjunction with the Pike County Sheriff is asking parents to be diligent in supervising their children when playing and checking their backpacks and belongings when coming home from school.

April 18 incident

On April 18, 2024, Alexzander Weyerbacher, age 18, was arrested for level 5 felony Theft of firearms, after a report of a string of car thefts of firearms in Otwell Indiana overnight. According to a sworn affidavit filed by Detective Scott Arnold of the Pike County Sheriff’s Department, Weyerbacher admitted that he and a juvenile had been burglarizing houses and vehicles over the last week and a half, stealing multiple guns, and, that Weyerbacher and the juvenile had hidden tarps (one gray and one blue) containing the guns at two separate locations in the Sugar Ridge Road area and in the wood line near intersection of County Road 175 South and State Road 61 just north of Winslow. Deputies have searched those areas, including with canine, without locating the weapons and consider it possible that the guns may be located at any place where Weyerbacher and the juvenile have been. The two would have been traveling in a gold Lincoln passenger car during that time frame. This area would include Petersburg, Otwell, Winslow, Glezen, and all areas in between. Further, according to Weyerbacher, additional guns were stolen from burglaries in the Glezen area. Glock and Taurus pistols described by Weyerbacher have been confirmed to have been reported missing from specific vehicles in Otwell, however, no reports have been made as of yet corresponding with the thefts admitted by Weyerbacher of long guns and a revolver in the Glezen area. If you have an unoccupied residence in that area where you keep firearms please check it to determine if guns are missing and notify the Sheriff’s Department of any irregularities at (812) 354-6024.

A search warrant has been obtained to search other locations known to be frequented by Weyerbacher, in hopes all guns can be accounted for. The juvenile was detained by Court Order, however, at least ten detention facilities had to be contacted before one accepted admission. Authorities are still investigating the role of other juveniles present at various times throughout the incident.

Unaccounted for firearm (March 31, 2024 incident)

Previously, on March 31, 2024, in a separate incident involving a yet-to-be-located handgun, Michael Bradley, 18, and two juveniles had fled from a fire of a stolen car that had occurred at the Petersburg Main Street Sunoco causing a manhunt. During the course of that manhunt, Pike County Chief Deputy Dallas Killian and Canine Tazz recovered a Springfield .45 caliber pistol which had been discarded during the chase. Bradley had admitted to possessing a Taurus G2c 9mm pistol with red tape on the grip, which account was confirmed by photos recovered after a diligent search. Deputy State Fire Marshal, Matt Wells, searched the contents of the burned and melted car three times to attempt to confirm the whereabouts of that gun, but was unable to locate the weapon. Bradley has been charged with Conspiracy to Commit Robbery with a Deadly Weapon, a level 3 felony, and Theft of Automobile, a level 6 felony.

The route of flight for this incident would encompass all areas along Main Street Petersburg in areas approximately one mile north of the intersection of State Road 61 and State Road 57, and additionally in the area of 11th and Spruce streets to the west of that location. In that instance, the two juveniles had to be released on Easter Weekend after eight separate juvenile facilities had denied admission between Evansville and Fort Wayne. Authorities would like to remind the public to store firearms safely and lock their doors and talk with your children about the dangers of firearms. Please call the Pike County Sheriff’s office with any information about any of the unaccounted-for firearms (812) 354-6024.

Authorized by: Darrin E. McDonald

Prosecuting Attorney, Pike County

(812) 354-8761

We are required to state in any press release that the process of bringing a criminal charge is simply an allegation, and, that all defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

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