Pike County Unleashed

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We Give You Six Headlines:  Which Ones Actually Happened

August 24, 2024

Tony and Matt are given six headlines and told that some are true and some are disinformation.  Can you tell the difference?

  1.  Petersburg scheduled to get new Event Center with help from grant from AES;

  2. Former Local High School Sports Hero arrested and charged with possession of large quantity of meth;

  3. Louisiana enacts law allowing convicted child molesters to be castrated;

  4. Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris announces plan for twelve new Federal Holidays called “Kamaladays”;

  5. Petersburg Police vehicles set to be powered by solar panels in green energy push for 2025;

  6. County Council wrestles with many challenges due to inflation and employment needs in annual budget hearings;

Finally check out our brand new song in tribute to “Wednesday, its Paper Day!!”.

Don’t forget to let us know what you think in the comments below. Your feedback is IMPORTANT!

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